Sunday, December 26, 2010


My fingers race across the keyboard, the long lost computer is finally working and running like a dream. "Are you typing?" Dr. Froggy asks. We're on the phone planning our next date. "Yes, I got my computer back from Tapan the other day," I reply. Dr. Froggy is silent as I suspected he would be. Men generally don't like it when you talk about other men in front of them. I continue typing and wait for him to speak again. I am focused on pursuing men who are interested in the two-cars, picket-fence, desis in the 'burbs lifestyle. It matters not that I am an urban girl. I feel that romantic salvation will be found in dating the opposite of Town and Country.

"I was looking at the conference schedule that my dad and I are attending. I think I should be able to pick you up from the Phillie train station around 3 pm," Dr. Froggy says. "Okay," I reply, still typing, half listening to him. "So what time does the train leave Penn Station?" Dr. Froggy asks. "I dunno," I reply. He sighs REALLY deeply. I stop typing and ask, "What?" "How am I supposed to pick you up when you haven't looked up train schedules?" he asks "Sorry, I just got my computer back and I'm moving saved information back onto it. Let me finish this and then check timing and email you back," I reply. "Fine," he replies. "So I spoke to my contractor about my house," he says. Ugh, P. Diddy's replica again? "And?" I ask.

"I told him that a reliable source, which would be you, told me he's jerking me around and no more Mr. Nice Guy. I held his payment and it got him back on schedule." Dr. Froggy says. "I told you it would," I reply. "You seem distracted, are you okay?" Dr. Froggy asks. "Yes, sorry, just a lot to do before I go to India," I reply. I can't believe that this weekend I am off to Phillie and next weekend, New Delhi. "Hhhmm. So I am thinking we can go to dinner at Buddakan," Dr. Froggy says. "Oh great, I LOVE Buddakan," I reply. The mention of dinner finally captures my full attention and I move away from the computer. "I thought you hadn't been to Phillie before," Dr. Froggy says somewhat puzzled. "I haven't. I have never been to Pennsylvania actually, and I want to see the Liberty Bell when we're there," I say. "Fine, but when did you eat at Buddakan?" he asks. "The one in New York," I reply. "With whom?" he asks. Is he jealous? That is kinda sweet, and so I reply, with the truth, "my brother and sister-in-law."

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