My flight for TOMORROW’S weekend date with Dr. Froggy has been cancelled today. Why? Because two rain drops were spotted outside the control tower at LGA. I find this, like the way the City cannot figure out now to plow the streets, very annoying. The blade faces away from the street.
Sigh. Now I have the extreme pleasure of trying to track Dr. Froggy down during the work day. Of course I go into voicemail and leave a message and wait. I am still going – it may now be 36 hours later. I begin tossing some clothes into my rolling bag, including my black Loft dress, the one I know Dr. Froggy likes. There is a small part of me that would like to attend my volunteer meeting tomorrow and then fly off to see the McMansion and meet the McParents.
When the phone rings I answer, knowing it’s him. He has a whole program for the weekend, which is quite nice, a man who plans! “Hey,” I answer. “Why is the flight cancelled?” he asks, slightly irritated. “I don’t know…” I mutter. “This is why I don’t like New York. That and for $1 million I can have a huge house here or a shitty apartment there.” Well, then. I ignore his comment. I am sure he has real problems like patients with ailments so he doesn’t have time to deal with the woes of the weather and airlines. Sidebar: for a $1 million he can have more than "a shitty apartment" in New York. I'll just give him his moment to be cranky.
“I was thinking about coming the following morning,” I say. “No,” he says quickly. “We have to leave for the conference, and it is a drive to the resort.” Ugh, really? Instead I change mental gears and cheerily reply, “Okay.” I have been single for a long time and must realize the value in compromising. It is okay if I miss one volunteer meeting. The world won’t end; there are other mighty women in my organization to forward the mission. I must focus on this very important meet the desi parents weekend.
“Oh and one last thing…don’t tell my boss you’re a Democrat,” Dr. Froggy instructs. “Excuse me?” I ask. “Well I don’t care, well not really, but my boss is the head partner of the practice and a DIE-HARD Republican. I don’t want him knowing you swing the other way.” Clearly Dr. Froggy has NOT been listening to me, because I’m not a “Democrat” either. I’m a social liberal, but a fiscal conservative. At this rate, when the choices are socialist liberals or religious conservatives, I may just stop voting all together.
“Well, if no one talks politics all weekend, then he wouldn’t find out I guess,” I reply and am met with Dr. Froggy silence. Whatever. Compromise is one thing. Lying to be someone I am not? Not going to happen. Not even to get married.
who takes their date to meet their boss? Kind of weird.
Dear Anonymous -
WOW that was the fastest post response EVER !!! You go!
And well not so odd. The conference is a junket I guess and a posh spa and Dr. Froggy's friends and co-workers and significant others are going bc they are all medical professionals. There are actual conference seminars for the medical professionals and then spa appts and lunches for the ladies :)
So this is why his boss will be there. It will be the meeting of everyone for DG - parents, house, friends, colleagues, boss and contractor.
Desi GIrl
I don't know, I dont like that guy... Just to get married??? Hmm... Dont take him! *lol* I hope you didnt... :-D
ya... too weirdly materialistic. i hate desi people who r like that.
Sorry S...but NEXT! From the way you write about him this man does not sound like the right man for you.
(God I hope you didn't end up marrying him or something...if so I just totally stuck my foot in my mouth and may have choked on it.)
Dear Anonymous -
You know - I agree he is into his things. But I am finding that kinda well to do single men talk about their stuff and money alot when they have nothing other than work going on.
I kinda think that this is the sign of someone seeking companionship but being a little socially awkward and then talks of money come tumbling out.
Agreed too that desis are like this - I have cousins like this and I dont talk to them anymore bc they have become shallow and lifeless. Nice $12,000 watch and $2 million apt, me I'm still trying to make it thanks for asking! Which has me remembering that at the end of the day I really am the only one who has my back, know what I mean?
Desi Girl
Dear Tenerezza,
Ha! From today's post I think you and my friend Siobhan have the same thoughts. But he is NICE, and it has been a long time since I have met a nice man, but I hear what you are saying, he's not perfect, but I am not either - so let's see how this goes!
Desi Girl
Dear My Courageous Life -
First, you are SO funny with your "NEXT" comment and you dont have to worry about choking on your words.
But today I wrote abt this and I think I have to keep an open, you never know where the diamond in the rough is.
More soon.
Desi Girl
I want to see photos hahahha
Sure... :-) By the way, I really like your writing style. Keep blogging! I am an avid reader... :-D
Dear Milly -
Ha! yes - photos I dont think I have any of him. I had a bunch of Reindeer, remember him I dated him like 230 posts ago!
Desi Girl
Dear Tenerezza -
So glad you will give Dr. Froggy a chance :) and so glad you like reading! I will surely keep it up, not to worry!
Desi Girl
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