Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Ainsley and Padre leave me at Dos Caminos for my date with Chadwick. I walk inside and ask for a table for two. The hostess takes me down the stairs and settles me into a booth to the right. I pick up the menu and review it. Why, I am not sure. I always order the same thing – fish tacos.

Seven minutes later Chadwick arrives. “Hello Desi Girl,” he says and sits down. “How have you spent your day so far?” “A friend and I went to look at an apartment in Long Island City,” I reply. “Queens?” he asks. I nod. “That is where I stay,” he replies. I hope he does not HE is the impetus for the apartment hunt.  “What is so special about the building?” he says. “It is brand new construction – a nice high rise with Manhattan views,” I reply and sip my water.

We place our lunch orders and he drums his fingers along the table for a minute and then says, “What did your friend think?” he says. “She thought it was nice, but we’re not sure that we want to move there,” I reply. “Oh you would live together?” he asks. “Yep,” I reply. “How have you met her?”  “We volunteer together,” I reply. He is not gunning questions at me, but I do feel a little interrogated. In addition, my jury is out on him. I cannot decide if I like him.

“Have you lived with anyone before?” he asks. “In college I had a roommate for sophomore and senior year. And of course I lived with my parents before going to college,” I reply. “Why do you say ‘of course you lived with your parents’?” “Where else would I live before 18?” I ask. “Boarding school and hostel like my brother and I did,” he replies. “Oh, okay,” I reply. “So what else do you do in addition to volunteer?” he asks. “I work out five times a week and I write – I want to be a writer, so I take classes,” I reply.

“And you work outside the home,” he adds. “Yes, that too,” I reply. “I am rather curious how you think you will take care of a family and do all your ‘activities’,” he asks. “You make things work,” I reply. He shakes his head. “I think you are fooling yourself. You cannot work, and write and volunteer and raise a family,” he says. I am raising the family? What is he going to be doing?

Chadwick leans forward nods a little and says. “My parents live with me. My brother is a doctor and has a young family. They stay in rural Tennessee and my parents prefer New York,” Chadwick says. Okay, why is he telling me this? So I reply, “That is very nice.” He waves his hand, indicating he is not done speaking. “I work six days a week, so I need their help around the apartment and getting my clothes washed and dry cleaned. And my food has to be cooked. She is an excellent cook,” he shares.

I would never allow or ask my parents to help me around my apartment. As it is, when my mother comes to New York I have to fight with her to relax in front of the television.  “I am bored. I need something to do,” she, the Energizer Bunny, says, and insists that I allow her to cook something for dinner. “You make your parents do your chores?” I finally ask.

He looks a little off-put. “I pay the rent. They live with me. I take care of all their expenses,” he says. OMG. He does not want a wife, he wants a servant. This is NOT going to work.


Anonymous said...

OMG Desi Girl, RUN!!!

Milly xx

Anonymous said...

Desi girl, this is not a good sign. We love you, please don't go with this one.

Anonymous said...

Hey DG ..
Definitely a bad+forgettable date !
Hope the food more than made up for it !


101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Milly -

OMG - totally. Running away as fast as a girl can in 3 inched shoes :)

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous -

Thank you for the love - I agree - not a good sign. Wont subject you to my marriage to him!

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Geek-Guy-From-Bangalore -

Yes. Very bad date. Very odd man. Very yumms food - guacamole is delish!

Desi Girl