Friday, May 27, 2011


Uff-da. My new dress and I get home from what has to be tied with Desi Girl’s worst date ever. Between Dr. Froggy and Chadwick – ugh – I don’t know who the more disillusioned 40-year old man is: a hairy, overweight, cardiologist with a sports car thinking he is a mo-fo king living in a replica of P. Diddy's house or a banker (with the title of vice president) who has his father ironing his shorts and his mother cooking his food. The two of them (Dr. Froggy and Chadwick) make dating a flasher seem normal.

I put my dress in the closet and decide to have Chinese for dinner. I call down to the family owned restaurant on the corner. The son who must be about eight picks up. “Hey, how are you?” I ask him. “Good, thanks, what would you like?” he asks. “Chicken breast and fried rice with…” I begin. “The hot chili sauce on the side. See you in 10 minutes,” he says and hangs up. This is what I don’t understand. Either from my number or the sound of my voice, an eight year old knows what I order. Knows that I am a creature of habit. So why is it so hard to find one man who gets me?

I return from my food run and find two missed voicemails. A part of me wants to punch myself rather than speak to anyone right now. And I could wait an hour before listening to the messages. The callers don’t know if I am working out or on a train. But I decide to listen.

Message One: “Hey Desi Girl – this is Possible-Mate-from-Chicago. I was wondering what your upcoming weekends are like. I was looking into flights to New York and wanted to see what works for you and where I should stay. Call me back when you can, thanks!”

Message Two: “Desi Girl – hi – how are you? Say wanted to let you know that I coming to New York for work this week. Wanted to know if you were around? Oh this is You-May-Have-Contacted-Me from Philadelphia. I hope you remember me. Looking forward to meeting you.”

Ooooo! Possibilities! This calls for celebration and I crack open a Diet Coke. This reminds me – I better get online and cancel my interest in Chadwick. And I will – after I finish dinner.


Anonymous said...

A VP title in banking doesn't mean anything, they hand them out like candy but the boys seem to think it makes them special

Anonymous said...

I think Desi Girl knows VP is the bottom and was making fun of him for thinking so highly of himself. She starts dating at the MD level.

Sujith said...

Its very hard to find a desi girl who is open to dating and sharing her experiences in a blog!!!! You are very different and I loved ur blog!!! Keep writing..I'm gonna bookmark ur blog!!!

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous (One) -

Agreed - it does make them feel special. Love the comment - it cracked me up.

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous (Two) -

I was kinda making fun of him. LOL - MD level - let's see what happens next shall we :)

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Sujith -

Thanks for your note! Glad you like it - I will keep writing don't you worry! I have more to say, more to come!

Yea - I think desis are so competitive, that we cannot show weakness. I joke that life in New York is a competitive sport, but I think being desi is a competitive sport! But even desis are human and make mistakes, but there is no arena to share or commiserate. We can only be perfect, and I am far from it - so I blog!

More soon dear Sujith, more soon!

Desi Girl

Sujith said...

Thanks for the reply. I started reading your older ones after posting my previous comment and I liked all the ones I read.
I actually picked up some new terms after reading them. I don't remember as of now, but I ll sure keep u posted when I read the left over's.

Yes you are correct.

"But even desis are human and make mistakes, but there is no arena to share or commiserate. We can only be perfect, and I am far from it "

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Hello Sujith!

I try to respond to all the posts, most times I can get to it in the 24 hour cycle. I generally post at night, and then following night when I am posting again I respond to the comments. I normally take the weekend off - even Desi Girl needs to chill :).

And for sure, feel free to share whatever quotes and one liners or paragraphs you like!

"Speak" soon! :)

Desi Girl