Friday, June 24, 2011


Life after the Possible-Mate-From-Chicago date is not that bad. He did email after he returned to the Windy City. It was a nice email; he talked about a friend’s upcoming wedding that he was going to attend. There was general conversation, but no mention of getting together. And yes, I had the thought that I should ask him. But I am a girl – and there is a part of me that wanted to be asked and desired. I wanted to be liked. And it feels strange because I thought we got along better than this. But this is not the first time my desi-dude-“dar” has been off.

Like everything else in life I guess, you need to move on. And I am trying. I am going to the Opera tomorrow, to see Rigeletto, by myself. Meera’s shower is coming up soon. It is going to be the bluest baby bash known to man, woman and child. I was again tinkering around on the matrimonial site. I did have that reoccurring and pesky thought, that Einstein was correct when he said the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. But I brushed that thought aside. And, and, and – I contacted the life coach Tate recommended, to get my derailed career back on track.

The real saving grace, is that I did not have to have that conversation with myself about leaving New York. By no means do I think the world ends at the Hudson River, but I do wonder; really wonder if I could live elsewhere. New York is a great city, but a tough one. And it's not for everyone, but once you get New York in you, it's not that easy to get it out.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if NYC is sometimes a refuge to not face the nagging questions of who we are, and what we want in life.

Ariana said...

I love, love NYC.
If I was single I would move there too. your posts are hilarious a tad "Desi, sex and the City" meets "Bridget Jones Diary" meets Russel Peters. Remember, at the end all that matters is "did ya have fun?, Was the ride worth it and did you live a happy life?'

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous -

Were you listening to my conversation today with Siobhan a few hours ago? Did we cross paths this week? In real time I had the sh*t kicked out of me - which sent me spinning into that exact question you ask.

The answer I have right now, is the same one I had six months ago, last summer and five years - I don't know. Sigh. I just don't know. And I don't know how to find out.

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Travel Bug -

Well it's true - Bridget liked all the wrong boys! So does Desi Girl. I'd be Charlotte if I had the Park Ave digs and money to afford that life.

You are SO on the money - re: fun. I need to amp up the fun. That is the goal for summer - put the fun back into all things Desi Girl!

Desi Girl

Anonymous said...

Possible-Mate-From-Chicago was a good person. You should have asked him out. He did whatever he can do, but must have moved on as he didnot get any positive signals from you. Sometimes, you have to pull back somebody before they get lost and disappear forever. Also you should be a little more optimistic of leaving New York and settling somewhere else too. It is not like New York is the end of the world.

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous -

He was nice. And yes - I am sure self preservation kicked in. I dont blame him. And I dont think the timing was right - I think I was still stuck on someone who was not stuck on me.

And sigh - I know NYC is not it, that there is a whole world out there - but when I leave here for a few days or weeks. I miss it. It is home. It has taken time, but it is home.
