Sunday, January 24, 2010


While I wait for my husband to contact me via the matrimonial Web site I am learning you can have anything and everything delivered in New York City. I no longer have a dependence on sprawling strip malls in suburban St. Paul! Hooray!

Currently I wait for the delivery man to bring shrimp lo mein. Yesterday the sushi place brought chicken udon noodle soup in less than 30 minutes. That is faster than Dominos!

The bodegas and grocers at 187th Street deliver. As do the dry cleaners, who will drop off your pressed clothes and pick up your dirty laundry and wash it at $1 / pound! If I buy more than 5 bottles of wine, the local vintner will give me a 10% discount AND deliver.

While I have seen everything from lamps, drums, and air conditioners get lugged onto on the subways, who really wants to drag that stuff on public transportation? Not me!

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