Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to meet Dr. Balaji...God help the George Washington Bus Terminal. I think it has something to do with him living in the Bronx and wanting to meet me in my neighborhood. The only problem with my neighborhood is that it lacks date spots. And I don’t want to go to Starbucks because (a) it is always over-flowing with patrons and (b) it is kiddy corner from my apartment. On the off chance Dr. Balaji from the Internet is a serial killer, he’s not the type of person I want knowing where I live.

In my designer jeans, black turtleneck and tall boots I stand in the center of the bus terminal looking for someone South Indian and doctor-like. I am also wondering the following: what kind of date begins in a bus terminal? Who suggests this? Who willingly agrees to this? And what the hell is wrong with me?

Normally I wait around for time challenged friends. But today I decide to enforce my tardy policy (leaving after 15 minutes) because I really don’t want to be here. To pass my time I pace back and forth, attracting the attention of a stranger who speaks to me in Spanish. I roll my eyes and defiantly say, “I don’t speak Spanish.” He then replies, “Come talk to me in English.” No thanks, I think and sit down on the other side of the terminal. To further avoid Spanish Stranger I stare at the clock and it tortures me, slooooooooooowly ticking towards 7:15 pm.

When I can no longer look at the clock I take note of the large, open, and un-exciting space --- faux marble floor, kiosks tucked in the corners, wooden seats and a barely audible PA system. Finally, at quarter past the hour I race out of the bus terminal, texting Jack and praying Dr. Balaji doesn’t show up at the last minute.

Text to Jack: I think he is a no show. 

Text from Jack: We’re in Hell’s Kitchen. Get on the A train and text me when you get down here. 

So I flee. 

* * *

Twenty-five hours AFTER we were supposed to meet, Balaji rings and I let the call go to voicemail. If he had to perform a last minute surgery I’ll consider giving him a second chance. Of course I am wondering, how long, on average, does an operation last? Couldn’t he have called in the morning, or at lunch hour? I dial my voicemail and listen. “Allo, this is Balaji. Hoping you didn’t wait too long.”

Seriously? What kind of jackass doesn’t EVEN apologize for knowingly blowing a girl off? Does his mother know he does this? And for the love of Durga, warrior goddess of strength, empower me so I can do this all over again.


Samosas for One said...

What kind of guy calls after blowing you off if he has no good explanation or apology to garner?

How about you start another blog called 101 Great Desi Dates?

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Samosas for One ... I know ... I mean who doesn't say sorry? I too when I bump into strangers on the subway! I think your new blog idea is great!!!! Where shall I find a good one? any suggestions?

Samosas for One said...

Find a good one? You just start writing keep hope alive.

Anonymous said...

There are no words for how rude this is.

And forgive my rudeness, but why is someone modern and funny dating old country men like Reindeer and the doctor?

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Samosas for One .... well why not! Wasn't there a a movie based on that "build it and he will come?" :) I shd get cracking on my own field of dreams!

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous .... you are very kind and I appreciate the sentiment. And believe you me I did wonder that too ... and shall be answered if you keep reading (which I hope you do!)!!!!

Samosas for One said...

I'll help you. What do you need to start writing it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I will keep reading because I am hooked! I I read this whole blog in one sitting. The voice and style are real! Keep up the good work!

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Samosas for One ... shall we do this as a project? I love it! I don't know what I need. One part of me thinks I shd have some photos taken and get on Clearly I wont find THE ONE sitting in my apt! And I think I need to go to places where men are like Harry's down near Wall Street. And since I have my imagination and ideal man mapped out (ideal man is an amalgamation of real men I have met along the way). I think one part reality and one part fantasy are in store. Esp when I get to the Town and Country fellow --- you just wait for that .... I think he shd be debuting in about 2-3 weeks. More soon! Let's write it girl!

Samosas for One said...

How many cups of coffee have you had this morning! :)

How many people do you know that met someone on Match? I only know 1 person who was successful off that site. So I think you could do some other things to meet people.

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Samosas for One .... Actually I have had less coffee today than usual :) and I went to the 12:10 am showing of SATC this morning so I m rather self-impressed with my stamina to work and most importantly stay awake today :)

Agreed. Must devise plan to find a FABU man. :) other venues and options I will begin to think about!

Samosas for One said... was the new SATC?

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Samosas for One ... it was good, cute and funny. I liked it.

starlight said...

OMG!!!! You DID NOT go out with him again, did you? Say you didn't and let me live in bliss. He's beyond rude! You so deserve better. And, another thing, young lady, DO NOT EVER agree to meet anyone in a bus station again...That is unless it is the Union Square train station in WDC. It is beautiful!!! I like Samosas for One's suggestion...101 Great Desi Dates...intriguing...

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Starlight ... no I DID NOT DID NOT DID NOT see or call or anything with him again. So gross. Yes, yes, completely public and normal places. I hear ya and I agree 157%!