Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I’m a geek. I logged onto the website to track my brother’s flight. They had an on-time departure, which is amazing. Eighty-five percent of my MSP to LGA flights are delayed, delayed, delayed due to excessive air traffic into the New York area.

I switch screens to take a quick look at my email and see a note from Tapan.

Email from Tapan: Hey Desi Girl, Hoping you are well. It’s been some time since we met up, I’ve been traveling for work and busy. Vipin has finished working on your computer and it’s in my apartment. By the way, I just moved, did I mention that? This place has a patio you should check out. As an architect you’ll like the space. (Okay, first of all I am NOT NOT NOT an architect, and I definitely don’t play one in this blog. Yes, I have an undergraduate degree in design, but education alone does not make an architect. Government regulations and licensure, does. But I never cared enough about a client’s door knobs. So I had no desire to spend another two years getting my Masters in architecture. I liked the personal interaction with Clients, so the support, communications and marketing side of the business has always appealed to me more. In retrospect for the amount of money and time I invested in my education I should have become a pharmacist. Same amount of schooling, better pay.) Speaking of the apartment, Swamiji is coming from Minneapolis this weekend to perform a house warming puja (Hindu blessing) I’d love to invite you if you’re free.

Well this is a predicament. Tapan is REALLY nice and I REALLY need to get that computer back. And I’d like to see him. But I haven’t seen my brother and his family in nine months.

Email from Desi Girl: Hi and thanks for your note! I would love to attend the puja but my brother and his family are coming into town today. I’m tracking their flight as we speak!

Email from Tapan: That sounds great and feel free to bring them along. The puja starts on Sunday at 8 am.

Email from Desi Girl: (Okay, Desi Brother is a lot of things, but early riser is not one of them. He doesn’t like to get up for work. So if Desi Brother is on holiday I am hard pressed to think he will get up to attend a religious function.) That is very kind of you. Let me ask them once they get here. Can I get back to you? And if Sunday does not work, let’s meet up.

Email from Tapan. Sounds good and have fun with them! It is nice to see family.

Ahhh, Tapan from Minnesota is SUCH a nice guy.

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