Monday, February 14, 2011


“Where are you going now? You just came back from India and Minnesota!” Siobhan demands into the phone. “To spend the weekend with Dr. Froggy,” I reply. I just told her that I am not attending our volunteer meeting tonight. “Is this the overweight guy?” she asks. I sigh instead of replying her. “I don’t understand what you’re doing,” she asks.  “Are you just hanging out with him to get married? I mean he doesn’t even live in the City!” Live in the City? He lives eight hours away in another state!

And while I’m an urban girl and the thought of the Volvo station wagon and Weber grill lifestyle makes me a little sick to my stomach, Dr. Froggy is truly a NICE person. Sure, yes, I am not attracted to him in the way I was with Town and Country. But is that so bad? I mean look at what falling for Town and Country did to me? He uprooted my life every time he re-entered it because I allowed myself to be weak and demented when it came to him. I cannot marry someone who has that kind of power of over me; there will be no equality in that relationship.

So the time to pursue men who are interested in a relationship has come. No more dinging around in this infatuated Town and Country state. Often I think back to my college boyfriend and our first dates. I even remember being about 19 dates into dating The Ex, thinking, this will never work. Who knew four years later we’d still be together. Had he not cheated on me, I could have married him. And I think The Ex and could have been happy. So you really don’t know and I think I need to stop being so rigid.

“I need to give this a chance,” I finally say to Siobhan. “Then what? You marry him and his Porsche and move into his monstrosity of a house? Did you really move from Minnesota, to go back to a different version of your former life?” Siobhan demands.


Sunny said...

I know this is time shifted account, but I was expecting something about the and who called and who sent flowers and who didn't and who texted and who sent you a facebook spam.

Happy Valentne's day Ms. 101. You are sweeter than a gulab jamun. <3.

Tenerezza said...

"You are sweeter than a gulab jamun". hahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhaahhahahahhahahahhahaha sorry... I can't stop laughing. Cheesy desi-style...

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Sunny -

Well I appreciate your comment and sorry to disappoint, but I am too Type A, fixated on the story to bend a little, even on Valentine's Day! LOL! I am my own nemesis!

But thank you so much for the Valentine's Day wish and thoughts that I am gulab jamun sweet, those and bhoondi ladoos are my fave, tho I can only have one gulab jamun!

Hope yours was fantastic too!

Ms. 101

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Tenerezza -

Well - maybe a little cheesy, but it was sweet and isn't that what Valentine's Day is about? Cheese and telling someone they are sweet? :)

I am sure and Sunny are gulab jamun sweet too! :)

Desi Girl

Sunny said...

Gulab Jamun line comes from the winning Valentine day Haiku:

You are sweeter than
Gulab jamun or laddu
Give me just a taste

Complete with a heart shaped gulab jamun..

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Sunny -

Who doesn't love a gulab jamun haiku? I do!

Thanks for sharing!

Ms. 101