Sunday, August 21, 2011


Text from Town and Country: What’s new?

I don’t know if I want to share personal things with Town and Country. I mean – if we were friends, I’d just rip the band aid off and go on about every gory detail of my life. Like I do with Tate, Ainsley, Siobhan and Meera. But this guy is so hot and cold with me – he either texts me for days on end or ignores me for months to come. So I don’t know what is going on with him.

And then there is that insane part of me that is attracted to him for reasons I cannot determine – that part of me secretly hopes that one day he will get hit by lightning or Cupid’s arrow and come to his senses and realize that he wants to be with me. Since I feel this way - I don’t want to drive him away with girly whining. Men generally do not respond well to this.

Perhaps this is the moment where I should take pause and realize that I am thinking like a girl and he’s a guy – who is NOT thinking like me – he is probably bored between two meetings and needs some way to kill 12 minutes. But for some reason I was born with too much of the optimist gene and think – why would someone as busy as the American President keep reaching out to me - if not for attraction.

Text from Desi Girl: Not too much.
Text from Town and Country: How’s work?

Okay – now I have to lie or change the topic. There is no way I can share all the anxiety work, and work's second cousin, paycheck, is currently giving me. This guy is a 157% workaholic who lives and breathes for his company. Nothing else matters to him. He has terrible eating habits, has not been the gym in months and travels all the time. He doesn’t leave me feeling like he will support me in the way I need to be supported.  I mean I want to be a success too – I want to be good at something – and I want that something to bring me that fulfillment that nourishes your soul and gives you reason and purpose to wake up every day.  But I don’t anything in my life that remotely resembles that. So how is Town and Country going to relate to me?

Text from Desi Girl: Work is fine. (Fine in Desi Girl means – everything sucks but it is easier to use a generic word that leads you to believe that all is okay, when indeed, it is not).  
Text from Town and Country: That’s good.

For some reason, I snap. Why I am protecting him? Maybe I can be a whiny, bitchy, nonsensical woman and drive him away once and for all. Then I could put myself and my delusion of a future with him out of misery.

Text from Desi Girl: Actually work sucks. It is kinda slow and I don’t save. You know how the experts to say have a year’s worth of cash on hand – well I don’t’ have that.
Text from Town and Country: How many months do you have?
Text from Desi Girl: A couple months. (At best).
Text from Town and Country: Hhhmm. Perhaps you can help me.

Dare I ask him – how and why?


Anonymous said...

OMG what happens next! lol

milly xx

Adventurous Ammena said...

hmm. I want to know how you being in financial difficulty leads him to say you could help me.. how selfish!!! grrr

Aaina said...

He perhaps lives beyond his means..
this guy sounds like a pompous, ass..

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Milly -

I totally LOL-ed at work when I read your comment this morning - one never knows with Desi Girl and Town and Country!


Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Adventurous Ammena -

Maybe it is my fault for where I did the "scene cut" bwtn the posts yesterday and today :)

I think he comes thru in the end - but you be the judge.

Desi Girl

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Aaina -

I dont know what he means are - but he lives a nice life. I dont know that it is a life that I want - he works ALL the time and does NOTHING but work - sometimes I think that is a defense mechanism so he does not have to deal with anything else.

I can say this bc I like to nap or work a lot - to avoid :) ... I never napped before I moved to NYC. Now I take 2 naps every weekend - or maybe I am just old! Ha!!!!

Desi Girl

Anonymous said...

Dear Desi Girl,

Long-time reader here. I've long wanted to ask - doesn't it faze you when rabid go-getters (e.g. Town and Country) express interest? Not to discount your own successes, of course, but don't you sometimes wonder what could these workaholic banker/lawyer/doctor types possibly have in common with a chill creative person like you?

I'm a writer/editor myself and currently in the process of getting to know a slick investment banker-type. I honestly don't know what to make of it - and I dread that we'll have nothing to talk about except for money, money, money!

Thanks in advance for your reply. More power to you and your blog! :)


101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Ruth -

Apologies for the delay - work has been busy, and then we had an earthquake this week, followed by a hurricane chaser - LORDY! I'm just a little desi girl from the land of blizzards and tornadoes!

I read your note several days ago and I thought about your comment - go getters and creative types. I often wonder - at the end of the day - what really matters. For instance, WHAT is the attraction to T&C? Is it his intensity? or the challenge? is it his money/success? is it that I think our similarities and difference strike the same balance?

And I have to say - the talk of money and wealth is gauche. I would like to believe if/when Lakshmi doles wealth onto me - I would still be the same person I am - I don't know - maybe money changes people.

But I think - as I get older - I would like to meet someone who supports and nourishes me. A gentleman, someone who holds open a door, gets the dry cleaning - will take care of me emotionally. I mean I have gotten this far in life alone and more or less intact - so I don't "NEED" his money - I have my own. If that makes sense - I don't need financial support alone - I need all the support.

And I dont know if a workaholic can handle a creative spirit.

We will find out - you will have to keep me posted on your slickstger too!

Desi Girl

Anonymous said...

Dear Desi Girl,

Thank you so much for your reply! Your thoughts exactly mirror mine -- and I nod my head in vigorous agreement over the "support and nourish" bit! I just want someone who can be a true companion, darn it!

I can't wait to read how your dating adventures pan out! I am rooting for Possible-Mate-from-Chicago, though I can understand your attraction to T&C. Bad boys do have a certain appeal eh? ;-)

Keep writing DG! All the best to you :)


101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Ruth -

First let's pretend I can spell slickster :)

Next yes - bad boys - they do have an appeal - is it bc you cannot ever have them so you try at the expense of making yourself insane? Or is it that the women that realize that nice guys do finish first are the smart ones. Ugh. Too deep of a thought for me today :)

So I guess that puts T&C and Possible Mate into the boxing ring :)

Thanks and more soon!

Desi Girl