Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The insomnia is back. With a vengeance.  This means my stress level has reached a new high. I am sure moving, working for Town and Country who is rather fussy, and scraping by, doesn’t help. Whenever the insomnia returns it makes me wonder if I have stress or anxiety or both.

I guess one nice thing about insomnia, coupled with living on the ground floor and getting ready to move is that I can pack and not worry about waking my neighbors. Which is what I do for a few hours, putting more books, linens and toiletries into boxes.

I am very motivated to pack, because I have found a broker who is going to help me look for apartments on the Upper East Side – yes like George and Weezie I am movin’ on up – it won’t be to a deluxe apartment in the sky, no way I can afford that – but I look forward to digs in a new zip code. The broker has come recommended from a friend. She assures me he is not sleazy, uncouth or immoral. In fact he has put her and several of her friends into apartments. I trust tried and true. Something else that is nice - is that the market is not strong as it used to be so I can negotiate price and look for apartments where the Landlord not the tenant pays the broker fee.

It takes a few hours for exhaustion to kick in, and when it does I crash. I crash well into the next day.

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