Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Later that night I am stuffing sour cream and onion Ruffles into my mouth, realizing that this upcoming apartment move has become problematic. In my Minneapolis life I had a 940 square foot, fully furnished. Somehow I managed to squish all that into my Manhattan life, but there is NO way I can get all this stuff into my upcoming, in a walk-up life in the UES. Very seriously I have to consider unloading A LOT of my furniture, including this couch that I have been sleeping on for years.

It strikes me that I have to probably sell ALL of my living room furniture – couch, the two overstuffed arm chairs and ottoman. And I doubt I can take my desk and dining table – so one of them needs to be sold. My filing cabinet too. Oh and most of, if not all of my framed art.

My phone beeps a text message.

Text from Town and Country: How did apartment hunting go?
Desi Girl: Okay. A little stressful
Town and Country: What part? Looking or packing.
Desi Girl: Both. Mostly looking.
Town and Country. You will find something.
Desi Girl: How can you be sure? I mean I am not frustrated – but I am kinda worried. I am not the type to live under a bridge.
Town and Country: I know you will. Let me know if I can help.
Desi Girl: Thanks, really thanks. Will you come see it once I find it?
Town and Country:  Yes.

I don’t know why. But I really needed him to say yes.

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