Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Later that night I am sitting at the computer responding to one of my furniture buyers. He’s Indian ramarao@nyp.org.(Pls note this is a made up email, to protect the innocent :)

Email from Rama Rao through Craigslist:
Hello – saw your ad for living room furniture. If it is still available can you please let me know what time will work for you? I live in Midtown West but work near the George Washington Bridge. Very interested in seeing it. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Rama Rao

Hhhmm. He must work at Columbia Presbyterian at 168 and Fort Washington, so on the upside he is familiar with the area and won't hem and haw about coming WAY up here. Plus, I have to say, this furniture is three years old and in GREAT condition. It won't be a waste of his time.

I keep reading through my emails and see that I have another interest in the living room furniture, the lateral file, the wine rack and my framed “art” --- which really is cool posters that I bought a long time and as a true pack rat. I cannot bear to let go of stuff.

However, the best way to let go, is to downsize.

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