Sunday, December 4, 2011


I get home from the gym. I now have a guest pass to the 92nd Street Y, which isn't really the “Y” as in YMCA, but none the less it is a cultural and community center on the UES. I have toured all the gyms on the UES so I am going to have to make a decision soon on where to join and actually start paying for my gym membership. Something I will worry about later.

I hop into the shower, get dressed and eat some oatmeal and sit down at my desk.

There is an email from Town and Country: How are you today?
Desi Girl: Fine and you.
Immediately Town and Country writes back: Great.

Hhhmm. Normally he tells me how busy and stressed he is so I am not sure why he has time to talk today. He must want something. He must need something. There is no other reason he would write back to quickly.

Town and Country: I have an idea.
Desi Girl: Okay. What would that be? (Ugh. I don’t know what to think about his ambiguous comment).
Town and Country: I have a writing project I want to discuss with you.

Well he sure has caught my attention. And I don’t want to seem too excited by his implied suggestion. But my agent has told me that as a no one in the industry anything I can do to enhance my writing resume is a very good idea. She has told me that I need to be published in magazines or newspapers or something to get some leverage with the publishing houses. So I do wonder if he knows this and genuinely want to help me or if he knows that this would peak my interest, which it has.

Desi Girl: Okay. Happy to discuss. Did you want to send an email with details?
Town and Country: Might be easier to meet. Can you stop by my place later one night this week?

Because I am working to purge him from my system, meeting him sounds like a bad idea. But what if meeting him is one step closer to my writing goals and ambitions?

Desi Girl: Sure. What night?


Anonymous said...

Please please please, put me out of my misery and tell me one thing.... I cant handle the suspense, and enquiring minds want to know: do u end up with mr. country??? :)

Pleeeeeeease, give me a hint :))))))


Dhak-Dhak Girl said...

@Sandeep: This blog is biographical. As far as I know, it's DesiGirl's writing skills that make her real life so suspenseful! We'll have to wait for updates!

@DesiGirl: Congratulations! I hope this is a writing opportunity for you!

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous (Sandeep) -

If I tell you - then there is no surprise!


101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Dhak-Dhak Girl -

What a LOVELY compliment! Sorry that is has taken 10 days to respond. I had a LOT of comments in the past two weeks. Many were "you are WAY behind DG " ... ha ha ... nice to be missed, but honestly, your faith is kind to receive and motivating to keep on truckin'.

I just finished my third writing class and am having my work workshopped. I have about 70-75 pages mapped out. I am taking another class in January and working on this over "Xmas Break" - so I make take a little break from blogging too - not sure yet. Will let you all know if I do!
