Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Holy crap. I am so so soooooooo not ready to go home. I am not sure how this happens. It is not like I have not known for a month that I am leaving for the Minne. Yet here I am with loads of chores to do and a small amount of hours to get them done. The messy apartment being number one. I don’t like to leave a messy apartment for two reasons. One, I don’t want to come back to a mess. Two, if I don’t come back, because I died, then I don’t want my mother to think her only daughter was a slob. Because I am not. I just need to perform my weekly cleaning ritual asap. 

And I am pretty organized and I could be a professional organizer for a job. I have organized closets for five people. So I know not to do as a living because I won’t make any money.  I am the type of person who would quote 10 hours to organize a closet and if it took 15, I would invest the time and not charge a client. So if I had 4 clients in a week and went over 20 hours, then I’d be 2 clients behind in revenue. But I am not programmed to do a bad job. And I would love to find a job that allows me to use my organizational, communication and relationship building skills. And I definitely know that I don’t want to do plain old marketing. I need something with a pulse, but a heart rate, with some change and chaos. I suppose the desire from energy for that comes from my architecture days.

Errand number one is the mail. I grab my letters and bills (landlord will want to be paid). I somehow have no stamps and make a mad dash to the post office. It just opened and I want to use the automated postage machines for the lobby opens at 9.00 am and before the entire population of the UES lands up at the post office mailing Chanukah, Christmas and New Year’s Cards.

I get to the post office and it is silent, which is a little creepy, because someone employed by the Post Office has to be there and there is no sight or sound of another person. I post faster than I have ever mailed before and run out of there. I normally don’t get scared, but I feel the way I did the one night the A Train stopped at the 175th Street Station for 20 minutes at 2.30 am. I was six blocks from home but not willing to walk it outside.

Normally I pop my IPod in but I feel a little rattled from the post office so I let my ears drink in the early morning UES sounds. Garbage trucking beeping on the next block. Dogs barking. Taxis moving slowly along the street looking for a patron. It is a little chilly and I decide to treat myself to a Starbucks. I used to have a daily Starbucks treat, but I guess if it was daily, that would make it an addiction. This is back when a latte was $3. I drank and drank and drank them. Until one day Desi Brother looked at me sideways I knew I was toast.

He had this very reflective, look that came across his face, through his eyes. And he said, “So what does that cost you? $3?” I sipped my coffee, thinking the end was coming. Not knowing how – just knowing. “Yes,” I replied. “And what you drink about 5 of them a week?” he asked. I think it was more like seven a week, which he must have seen running through my mind, because he said, “Let’s go with 5 coffees a week, $3 a drink, is $15 a week times 4 weeks is $60 a month by 12 months is ….” He didn’t have to finish. Once he flashed the calculator at me, and I saw the $720, I gasped. “I think you should by an espresso machine and make these at home for yourself,” he, the practical one suggested. Since I was pushing a yearly habit of $1K – I followed his advice.

This is what I am thinking as I am standing in line ordering my drink, looking forward to seeing him. Looking forward to eating Mom’s samosas, puri, aloo, tandoori chicken, mutties, dal. Looking forward to getting away from New York for a few weeks. Looking forward to not thinking of Town and Country when I am his neighborhood. Not thinking about him when I pass a French restaurant whose special for the day is cassoulet. I try to tell myself he was a jerk, and he could by a bit of a jerk – but he was not all bad. He just wasn’t THE ONE.


Anonymous said...

Dear DG,

Sorry I haven't been able to comment.. I hope ur feeling better girl ! I have been in your shoes before, so i know how it feels. On a funny & serious note ( oxymorons are my thing) , have you heard of the rules book? I recently discovered it.. its awesome, maybe time to get urself a copy for Xmas? Have a good trip back home & XO

DC desi girl 101 :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say that there is NO ONE made for you to gel with your life style and personality. You can keep looking forever, but you won't find anyone with these demands and checklist. Instead of helping others, you need to help yourself and do something about it.This whole blog is been so freaking long, but it just doesn't look that you are getting anywhere other than falling from one hill to another. Even if you find somebody, he will have to fulfill your checklist, style etc which will forcefully ruin his life and I think the boys sense it when they meet you. Nobody want to ruin their life. Will you follow anybody's checklist?

Anonymous said...

'Sorry to say that there is NO ONE made for you to gel with your life style and personality,' - Seriously?! Enough with the anonymous vicious comments already - I am so sick of this vicious attack on DG.

I can say honestly that we have all done things that we are not proud of. Who are these self-important anonymous people who think they know better than anybody else.

This is not even a critique. It just sounds downright malicious with no good intent.

To DG: You should probably use the settings where you can review comments before letting them even be posted.


Happy holidays and have fun with friends and family!

Another desi girl in texas.

Anonymous said...

In one of your postings you mentioned that your blog is two years behind. So all of these events happened two years ago??? If so, what's the point of getting comments, feedback, and suggestions now? Hopefully, you moved on and are in a better place.

So what is the scoop and what happens in the end?
Did you find THE ONE or are you still looking?

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous who wrote "In one of your postings you mentioned that your blog is two years behind. So all of these events happened two years ago??? If so, what's the point of getting comments, feedback, and suggestions now? Hopefully, you moved on and are in a better place."

Yes - two years ago - as I was telling Dhak Dhak Girl, yes some of the advice is irrelevant. I left the comments on because that is the point of the blog to be interactive. I think some advice can be applied to other parts of life, some of the mean comments are just mean and the ones that have nothing to with anything like degrading new titles for the blog I just delete.

It is fine --- people can write what they like and call me whatever names they like. There is more to me, way more than what I have posted here.

True, this is all they can take away, but their responses say alot about them.

More soon!

p.s. I am in a fine place :)

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Anonymous who began with “Sorry to say that there is NO ONE made for you to gel with your life style and personality. You can keep looking forever, but you won't find anyone with these demands and checklist.”

Oooo and eee … you sure are CRANKY in your note! In reading your comment, I can understand why and how you wrote what you wrote, it HAS been a series of falling from one hill to another, not a bad analogy on your side. But there is more to come, that addresses what you write about. Read the blog tagline, it says I went searching for love and found something more.

The checklist and demands – I am not sure what was fueling that comment. is this just because I said I wanted to be with a Punjabi guy? Bc it was never a deal breaker.

And the length is the length. I found this comment rather funny. The length is the length, just like my height is my height!


Anonymous said...

So this is two years behind, this whole blog, its not really blog then.It is more like ur memoirs, why desis like to stretch the truth, the way that u have been responding is by giving the comentators that this is actually happening. This is nothing more then memoirs.

It's very insulting to ur readers I think I will stop reading ur blog

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101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear All ---

I was never dishonest about it being not written in real time.

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear All ---

I was never dishonest about it being not written in real time.

Anonymous said...
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101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear All ---

I was never dishonest about this being behind in time.

It was never meant to insult anyone. If you are - apologies - but I never hid this.


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101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear All ---

For all of you who have really started with the name calling and the hot hate, I urge you to read Post 52. I have cut and pasted part of it below. Post 52 is from March 2010. If you did not read the entire blog, and did not know, you cannot fault me for that.

A NOTE FROM 101 BAD DESI DATES: Dear Readers, as previously mentioned, I moved to New York over three years ago. And this year, in January 2010, I began blogging about my adventures (I joke and refer to them as misadventures). While the posts are written in present tense, they are about past events. Because I don’t want to confuse you lovely readers (and I know some of you desire timeline clarification) I will let you know when we time travel, which is happening now. The timeframe of this Post 52 is Memorial Day Weekend 2007 and we’re moving forward (i.e. Post 53 will be June 2007, etc.). If you have any questions please let me know. Again, thank you for your support!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL, what supporting for things that happened two years ago, its ok no need to thank us

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG this is hilarious. Can't stop laughing no I am coughing now.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Good for you for deleting the inappropriate comments. Now we know this all happened two years ago and you are in a good place now. That's wonderful to know.

So my question is... when will the blog catch up to real time and when will we know what happens in the end or at least now, the present?
Is it going to continue as a two year lag or are you going to fill us in sooner?

Enjoying reading your adventures. It's something so many of us can relate to and identify with.

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Tama -

Thank you for your KIND note :) those have been lean this week --- oooo eee. Yes I am in a good place.

You ask an excellent question and I am hoping to "speed up time" in 2012 and get us to now as quick as I can wo short changing you. This year, 2011 --- I cannot not even believe it is over! Yes, working to get back into real time.

So glad you enjoy --- more soon!
