First there is the chopping of onions. Then the onions are browned with ginger, and sometimes tomatoes and garlic. This is followed by the addition of spices and then the sloooooow cooking vegetables or meats over a low flame (assuming you have a gas stove). Five hours later, dinner is served.

When the phone rings I glance at the number, squeal (and scare Jane) and run into the other room. “Hello?” I ask hoping he cannot hear my delight. “How are you today?” Reindeer asks. “Great! And you?” I ask. “Good, good. So I was thinking since you don’t eat meat on Tuesdays, how do dosas and Brazilian coffee sound this coming Tuesday?” Uhhmm, let’s see…PERFECT! I am OVERJOYED to FINALLY meet a man who is attractive (despite his outdated photos and bald spot) and LISTENS to me! Calmly I respond with, “Sounds nice.”
Wow…am I glad I quit drinking on Thursday! My stars must already be cleaning themselves up! Had I known dates would come so easily sans the vino, I should have stopped drinking a long time ago!!!
u go girl!
Dear Debbie! ... I know right?! Go little me!!!
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