Tuesday, November 1, 2011


After I finish setting up the closet – putting my shoes, clothes, coats, vacuum, paper shredder, mittens, kitchen towels away – night has set in. Some of it is surely due to it being October. Some of it is – I have way too much stuff.

I weave between boxes and flop onto the stripped, unmade bed. OMG. Moving is hard work and exhausting – both physically and emotionally. My body aches and my head is spinning from debating what to unpack next. Normally I would avoid dealing with life by watching re-runs of Will and Grace or Frasier. But I have no cable, internet or phone service. So I cannot watch TV, send an email or make a call.

I really should find the bed linens, but I just want to lay still and let sleep take me.  Which has me thinking I should find the alarm clock, coffee pot and wine opener --- hhhmm --- maybe I should have an emergency supply box, where I pack all the “essentials”.

Speaking of, where is my cell phone? I feel out of touch. No one has called me in hours. I pull myself off the bed and root around the apartment for my backpack which has the REALLY important things like my passport, wallet, cell phone, etc. This makes me realize that I don’t know where my keys are. Losing my keys is my Achilles heel. I lose these damn things 5 times a day and how one does that in 312 square feet is amazing.

I stop to think that maybe I left them in the door, so I open the door and notice that the top dead block is missing, like there is a circular hole in my door where the lock should go. But no deadbolt. Hhhmm. Perhaps I should speak to someone about this. But who would that be at 7 pm at night? I kinda miss my live in super right now.


Cora said...

Unpacking is a pain, but reading this I find myself strangely jealous of you! I love that feeling of a new apartment - deciding where to put this and that, the time when everything feels new, loading up on cleaning supplies...

Really, really enjoy your blog, by the way!

101 Bad Desi Dates said...

Dear Cora -

Yes, I agree with you on both accounts. Unpacking and setting up is a pain, but it is also a rebirth a new change to start a new, must say, I am loving it. Loving learning a new 'hood and a new routine.

Love that you love the blog - appreciate hearing that! More soon!

Desi Girl